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wt???? 😤😤 the author left me hanging with no ending 😢😢 this is a fucked up st...

sakura1415 May 19, 2018 8:23 am

the author left me hanging with no ending
this is a fucked up story a really fucked up one! I don't like incest but it triggered me to the point I want more coz I really wanna know the ending.

oh well guess that won't happening now huh?
rip author-san.

    ThatoneOtaku May 20, 2018 4:44 pm

    If you don't know that Author died. So please give your respects, if not to much. Rest in peace Tohjoh Asami.

    sakura1415 May 20, 2018 5:22 pm
    If you don't know that Author died. So please give your respects, if not to much. Rest in peace Tohjoh Asami. ThatoneOtaku

    it's sad to know the author died.i do respect her too.
    anyway I'll say it again

    yannacutie2301 June 16, 2018 6:37 am
    If you don't know that Author died. So please give your respects, if not to much. Rest in peace Tohjoh Asami. ThatoneOtaku

    R.i.p much love sent her way