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I'm Grumpy.

LaughingAardvark May 22, 2018 3:18 am

So I know this is personal and most of you don't care but I'm in a bad mood so I don't care. It's been month and a half since my accident where I passed out and landed on a step with my face. My nose has hurt every day. Every day. I'm still dealing with the lingering symptoms of my concussion. I have a large, bright pink, upside down T-shaped scar right between my eyes. And the doctor said that it will take time. Or as my previous doctor would say, eventually. I hate eventually. Eventually sucks. You don't know whether it's going to be months or years. Okay. I'm this case it's more likely to be months but it still sucks. Oh Lord. Someone bring me some chocolate.

    HamesTheJames May 22, 2018 3:19 am

    its been four years since i fell on the corner of the pavement and hit my nose, i still have the damn scar. its small. but fucking hell is it annoying. i feel you

    Apollo May 22, 2018 3:33 am

    Have you tried products that can help reduce scarring?

    LaughingAardvark May 22, 2018 4:30 am
    Have you tried products that can help reduce scarring? Apollo

    I'm currently using a cream with vitamins A, E, and D in it. I tried out a new product when the stitches first came out. Neosporin Pain Itch Scar which sounded like it covered everything. Unfortunately I had a violent allergic reaction to it. Believe me, it looks much better now than then. The ER doctor did a really good job with the stitching. I just have to be patient. It hasn't been that long really. I'm just tired of my nose hurting. But really bad bone bruises can take three months to heal.