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in the 4 years they were together, rinda had 2 fuck buddies and thought it was okay to sti...

narumaki May 23, 2018 11:13 pm

in the 4 years they were together, rinda had 2 fuck buddies and thought it was okay to still sleep with them despite being in a relationship. what pisses me off is that he thought it was okay to do so, and even after tokagi broke up with him for a while, he was doing it with them still, with the shitty excuse of 'i cant have sex until after marriage, i wouldn't used my beloved for mundane tasks'. it actually seems like he knew it was wrong to do so, especially when tokagi asked him about it. smfh he couldve asked if they could have an open relationship, but no. i thought the couple was cute in the beginning but the seme really pisses me off, and no doubt the uke is going to forgive him. the only couple i like is he bears and the snake and wolf. most of the others consists of stupid drama and cheating. wtf are you doing sensei?
