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What a shitty ending...

JigokuChou May 25, 2018 5:48 pm

This was just a shitty ending. I'm really disappointed with the ending because until ch.38 it was a perfectly terrifying story. I hated the characters and situations (not the work itself). Like the story was developed for us to hate it, so we can say that it's pretty successfull.


Really, what's with the end?! I read the author's comments. I understand what the author wanted to do and respect the thought. But please tell me, WHAT punishment? Sihyun keeps fucking Kyunghee and Kyunghee keeps being fucked and Junsik keeps his meaningless hopes up. Where is the "punishment"? No one is even sad for the mother except the son. But I wonder if that son keeps saying "go deeper" while doing it or remembers his mother. And he lived in that situation for one year?! And still telling "I will be there soon"? Why did you not do it in that long one year and lived as that man's slave?

Yeah I'm mad. While reading the whole series in a terrified mood, I thought if Kyunghee kills himself it would be a suitable ending for this manhwa. And see what happened instead.
