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Title help

KaidoKid May 27, 2018 9:30 am

Young master(MC) attends a prestigious school. MC is rich, family has butler. Butler trains his son to succeed his position, but son doesn’t think he’s strong enough to protect young master.
Incident happened where MC’s in danger. The one protected MC is his classmate/schoolmate. Butler’s son decided to disappear/resign bec he didn’t protect MC. After some time, butler’s son returned after training hard & became strong enough worthy to protect MC.
Butler’s son has a scar on his face. By his left eye/cheek, if I remember correctly. He used to have long hair covering the scar but when he returned, he has cut it showing his face. He has crush? On MC
MC, the young master (if I remember correctly) fell in love with his classmate/schoolmate who protected him. They’re originally friends. And classmate also loves MC. MC respects butler’s son as a big brother so he’s saddened when butler’s son went away.
Happy ending
