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I kinda lil bit disapointed

Picha 88 May 30, 2018 12:45 pm

Well... to be honest i do love He Tian and lil mo. They really hot n sweet couple. I love them from bottom of my heart.
But my Jian yi is the main character here.the things about his father still unclear and yet he got little scene. I miss jian yi and jian when they celebrate jian yi's birthday. It was so sweet. I want more of them. They are my baby

    Okay May 30, 2018 1:24 pm

    Sorry, there is no main character. 19 Days evolved, changed. It was about one couple, now it's about 2 couples and 4 friends. So it happens too that He Tian and Mo Guan Shan became hugely popular. There are more fanfics, more fanart and the Tianshan got so popular in Weibo that it was flagged and removed during the time they intended to censor gay content. People can't control what they like. There will always be love for Xi and Jian Yi but something spiced up the fandom when He Tian/Mo were introduced and the author is responding to that. There were about 3+ years and 200+ chapters telling the story of Jian Yi and Xi and they got all the way to a confession. I doubt the author will repeat this slow pace with the other couple. That's probably why the chapters now are more interconnected in order to give a flow. He Tian and Mo Guan Shan started as enemies so they have to get a progression but the author can't do that if she repeats the pace she followed before, she needs to tell the events in sequence.
    Every time there is an arc with Mo Guan Shan and He Tian, there is somebody complaining that it's not Jian Yi, that the story should be about the 'main' couple, etc. Let the author tell the story as she wishes. Just like you want chapters focused with Jian Yi, others may want different and see what happens with other characters.

    Kiwi May 30, 2018 1:30 pm

    I understand you because to me is the opposite.
    Every time there is a chapter focused on Jian Yi I don't care so much and miss He Tian/Mo. That's the problem of having favorites in this story.
    I envy the readers who fully enjoy both couples. For the rest of us, no matter how many chapters the author dedicates to our favs, it will never be enough.

    Anonymous May 30, 2018 1:33 pm

    He's the main character for his story with Xi but Tian and Guanshan are the main characters of their side of the story. Their plot doesn't center around him nor does he always need to be included.

    Anonymous May 30, 2018 1:39 pm
    Sorry, there is no main character. 19 Days evolved, changed. It was about one couple, now it's about 2 couples and 4 friends. So it happens too that He Tian and Mo Guan Shan became hugely popular. There are mor... @Okay

    I didn't know Tianshan was more popular in China too, I'm so glad to hear that. I love both couples, but I can't help liking one more than the other :c

    JigokuChou May 30, 2018 2:07 pm
    Sorry, there is no main character. 19 Days evolved, changed. It was about one couple, now it's about 2 couples and 4 friends. So it happens too that He Tian and Mo Guan Shan became hugely popular. There are mor... @Okay

    *claps for the comment*

    Anonymous May 30, 2018 9:24 pm

    The four of them ARE the main characters, I think it's important to respect both couples equally and not push your own favoritism to the author giving their best to this story, and just enjoy the damn manhwa content with that

    Mimi May 31, 2018 3:07 pm

    I feel you. I miss Jian Yi and there are things left unanswered. I don't give a damn about ships, though. I think people care too much about that. And I didn't know Tianshan was popular lol. I felt He Tain was hot but ¯_(ツ)_/¯ and I feel absolutely nothing for Mo. And I'll probably get attacked for saying that too lol. But I understand what you meant with this comment. I don't get why anyone would be mad by this besides the fact that you said Jian Yi is the main character. Though, if they're really about that, there's one comment saying they want more Tianshan and no one gave them any shit (it is an innocent opinion) but someone misses the others then there's a problem. This person didn't say "let's all gang up on the author until they give us more of my favorite couple". Really. And argue if you want to with me, but I think the ones pushing their own favoritism are the ones getting mad at two comments saying they miss Jian Yi/ship that's not Tianshan.

    maki_bird May 31, 2018 5:15 pm

    I think nothing ships are just fine and I don't mind who the chapter is on since it's always funny, but I miss them too. I'm hoping after Mo and his boo get some development that we can get some double dates!!