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catconfusion May 30, 2018 9:26 pm

chOke mE

    ♡Debb♡ May 30, 2018 10:34 pm

    sexual way or do you want to die?

    minhoe May 30, 2018 10:35 pm
    229 May 31, 2018 12:28 am
    sexual way or do you want to die? ♡Debb♡

    It's always best to put a thirsty user out of their misery. I say we kill them then throw the body into the nearest river.

    ♡Debb♡ May 31, 2018 12:34 am
    It's always best to put a thirsty user out of their misery. I say we kill them then throw the body into the nearest river. 229

    I want to skin them alive and burn them

    229 May 31, 2018 12:59 am
    I want to skin them alive and burn them ♡Debb♡

    Well damn Satan, I was talking about choking them to death, but it looks like I'll need some bleach for the cleanup(;^ω^)