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Unpopular opinion But I miss Jian Yi

Mimi May 31, 2018 2:52 am

Unpopular opinion

But I miss Jian Yi

    rtent May 31, 2018 2:55 am

    Why is this an unpopular opinion? He's adorable!

    Mimi May 31, 2018 2:59 am
    Why is this an unpopular opinion? He's adorable! @rtent

    Well you know people are loving this couple so much I don't think most care about the other two since more chapters of their OTP

    Okay May 31, 2018 3:18 am

    That is not unpopular but it's upsetting how people can't start complaining either way.
    If the chapter is about He Tian/Mo Guan Shan there is always the 'I miss Jian Yi and Xixi '
    If the chapter is about Jian Yi/Xi xi there is always the 'I miss Tianshan'

    In the end, this is all the same veiled whine that the chapter is not about their favorite. Every time the author tries to give some progress on one of the couples and puts a sequence, there are readers complaining about how they miss the other one. Some put it bluntly other put it in a way to sound victims of an 'unpopular opinion'. Fact is that both couples are plenty loved. Some readers have favorites but understand the story is now an 'ensemble cast' and, depending on what the author has in mind, it may take a few more chapters on one pair to push the story forwards.
    Please, let the author writes what she thinks the story needs.
    Truth is that the author will never please everyone at the same time.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 3:25 am

    I love Jian Yi... I love Xi but when the chapter is about them, I enjoy them. When the chapter is about Tianshan, I enjoy them.
    People, there are about 200+ chapters focused on Jian Yi and we got a confession. Can we really complain ? do the math, it's not even close. Two chapters of the other couple and readers talk as if Jian Yi had disappeared.

    grapefruit May 31, 2018 3:26 am
    That is not unpopular but it's upsetting how people can't start complaining either way. If the chapter is about He Tian/Mo Guan Shan there is always the 'I miss Jian Yi and Xixi ' If the chapter is about Jian Y... @Okay

    So true!

    Mimi May 31, 2018 3:55 am
    That is not unpopular but it's upsetting how people can't start complaining either way. If the chapter is about He Tian/Mo Guan Shan there is always the 'I miss Jian Yi and Xixi ' If the chapter is about Jian Y... @Okay

    Haha, whaaa? I didn't think it'd be a popular opinion since everyone in the comments are enjoying the current couple. I just miss my boy lol. Nothing wrong with that. No one is saying to skip over so and so or focus more on so and so. I just miss Jian Yi. Simply stated.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 4:37 am
    Haha, whaaa? I didn't think it'd be a popular opinion since everyone in the comments are enjoying the current couple. I just miss my boy lol. Nothing wrong with that. No one is saying to skip over so and so or ... Mimi

    " I didn't think it'd be a popular opinion since everyone in the comments are enjoying the current couple."
    I don't get your logic... It's a Tianshan chapter. Usually the comments focus on the chapter for discussion and since mostly are fans, of course the comments are enjoying. Just like when it's a chapter on Jian Yi usually the comments focus on what happened on the chapter and enjoyment. It's fangirling.
    So, if somebody is enjoying this chapter then they don't care or miss Jian Yi??? I don't get what exactly you were expecting. A lot of people not enjoying and complaining just to prove how much we love Jian Yi?
    Simply stated, just because I enjoy Tianshan and fangirl about them when it's their chapter it doesn't mean i don't want to see Jian Yi and the other way around.
    You sound upset that people are enjoying this couple. Or saying that just because they enjoy them it's because they don't miss Jian Yi.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 4:43 am
    " I didn't think it'd be a popular opinion since everyone in the comments are enjoying the current couple." I don't get your logic... It's a Tianshan chapter. Usually the comments focus on the chapter for dis... @Anonymous

    What? I think you're jumping to a lot of conclusions. Like you said, most focus on the couples in the current chapters which is why I said it was a unpopular opinion because I do miss Jian Yi. Lol I think everyone is trying to turn this into a ship war or something but I'm just saying I miss him. Yeah, it is too early to miss him but I just like him that much. I'm not saying no one cares about him or anything. Like I said, I just miss him.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 4:45 am
    Haha, whaaa? I didn't think it'd be a popular opinion since everyone in the comments are enjoying the current couple. I just miss my boy lol. Nothing wrong with that. No one is saying to skip over so and so or ... Mimi

    What does the fact that everybody is enjoying the current couple has to do with liking Jian Yi? Just because you can't like both, don't assume everybody is like you.
    I love Tianshan, I am enjoying them and I ALSO LOVE JIAN YI. They are mot mutually exclusive. You made it sound like everybody should be whining about the couple to prove some kind of love to Jian Yi.
    We are going to get a Jian Yi /Xi chapter soon and there will be a lot of fangirling and enjoyment and I just hope that there will not be a Tianshan fan saying: "Unpopular opinion but I miss Tianshan --- it's unpopular because everybody is enjoying this chapter of Jian Yi." WTF with this logic.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 4:56 am
    What? I think you're jumping to a lot of conclusions. Like you said, most focus on the couples in the current chapters which is why I said it was a unpopular opinion because I do miss Jian Yi. Lol I think every... Mimi

    You just didn't say you missed him. You added a very whiny 'unpopular opinion' as if you were some kind of special fan.
    There are a lot of fans of Jian Yi. A lot. It's impossible to follow 19 Days and dislike Jian Yi so when you say that you miss him in a veiled way to criticize his fans that are not whining about the chapter then of course you make this as a ship war.
    You wrote 'unpopular opinion' why??? Why do you think is unpopular? Because not all Jian Yi act like you do and come here to fill out the veiled complain that the chapter isn't about him? Imagine if every fan that had a favorite had the urge to put their bitterness forward. Every Jian Yi and Xi chapter were filled with fans saying : I miss Tianshan. And if there were not there, the fan would put a 'unpopular opinion' as a way to shame the fans for not trolling the chapter.
    Girl, we both know what's the problem here. You are trying to shame fans that love Jian Yi for not complaining that they 'miss' Jian Yi and nobody is a fool, if you wait for a Tianshan chapter to post how much you miss Jian Yi, don't play dumb, because of course it's ship war. Just like assholes who wait for Jian Yi and Xi chapters to post how much they miss Tianshan. It's all and the same, a bitterness and need to take out the shine of whatever is not your favorite thing.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 5:24 am
    You just didn't say you missed him. You added a very whiny 'unpopular opinion' as if you were some kind of special fan. There are a lot of fans of Jian Yi. A lot. It's impossible to follow 19 Days and dislike ... @Anonymous

    Lol, I'm not shaming anyone. You guys want there to be a problem. I viewed my opinion as unpopular because everyone was enjoying the chapters which haven't been involving Jian Yi. I felt, of course, no one would be paying attention much or worry much since they do enjoy the chapter so of course my missing him would be puzzling and not understandable. There's nothing wrong with missing him. And I didn't know missing one person meant I'm complaining about a ship not being front and center. I'm not playing innocent, you're the one making this out to be a problem. I think you're just mad I said I missed Jian Yi. I'm sorry it inconvenienced you but I genuinely miss the boy. Call it whining if you want, but I think you're really getting too offended by me missing him. What about that are you not getting?

    Mimi May 31, 2018 5:26 am
    You just didn't say you missed him. You added a very whiny 'unpopular opinion' as if you were some kind of special fan. There are a lot of fans of Jian Yi. A lot. It's impossible to follow 19 Days and dislike ... @Anonymous

    Actually, I think this a first comment on here for me. Maybe try calming down and not thinking everyone is out to shame your ship or something. Its not that serious. I don't mind anyone saying they miss anything. Its what they miss.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 5:50 am

    Its sad that its gotten to this point. Say that I miss a person and suddenly, just because I said that, I'm insulting everybody in this piece. Don't try make it into something its not. No one is trying to attack your ship, no one is calling anyone a fake fan and no one has a problem except the ones saying I do. There's no implications. I didn't mean for any. All of it just was people jumping to conclusions to find a reason to be offended. I miss him. That's that. There's nothing wrong with saying you miss someone whether on a chapter showing someone else or not. And this is a one character. Jian Yi does not equal him and his partner. It means Jian Yi. I do think I miss him too early but no ones trying to insult anyone except you guys trying to push that agenda. Lol maybe I am being whiny idk I just miss the boy.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 5:56 am
    Lol, I'm not shaming anyone. You guys want there to be a problem. I viewed my opinion as unpopular because everyone was enjoying the chapters which haven't been involving Jian Yi. I felt, of course, no one woul... Mimi

    Well, so you just not very good at deductions. Again, just because fans are enjoying chapters which haven't been involving Jian Yi doesn't mean they don't want to see him also. Maybe fans just get the deal that the author is putting forward an arc. Maybe they find rude to comment how much of an unpopular opinion is it to miss Jian Yi in a chapter that is not about him. All and all, just come back when there is a chapter about Jian Yi. If you are so worried about nobody paying attention and fangirling enough, maybe you just haven' been here enough. I'm not offended by you missing him. I am confused at you assuming that every fan has to complain about the chapter to prove their love for Jian Yi. Do you get it now that it is not an unpopular opinion? And maybe, just maybe, you get also that, although you deny it or can't admit it, your choice of words is a veiled criticism that the chapter is not about your favorite and yes, it's annoying.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 6:19 am

    I agree with you. Honest to god, I don't see why some people are overreacting to this simple comment. People should actually be responding like this to the ACTUAL comments which are hateful. this one does not shade the other couple in any way.

    I see tons of people write comments like 'i miss he tian and mo' during the zhan and jian yi updates. I don't see any problem with either party saying this type of comment cause its literally just saying you miss a character, its not like you're telling the author 'YOU SHOULD ONLY WRITE ABOUT (INSERT SO AND SO)'. Idk I just feel like I've seen ACTUAL hate comments worse than this and people are just blindly attacking you because your comment was about someone the chapter isn't currently about or maybe their own favorite character/ship. hell what you said wasn't even about ships to begin with lol.

    but like I said, come on guys, call out the ACTUAL people who are haters. not this one. I don't think it's fair to attack this person, for months now the author has been focusing on the other couple -and it hasn't been like a 3 chapter of one couple and 3 chapter of the other like it used to- the focus on he tian and mo has been going on for a while now, not that there is anything wrong with that because i'm enjoying the chapters (please don't misunderstand me I'm just trying to explain that its been a while), but from the result of it of course people are going to miss other characters too.... i'm sure plenty of people would miss he tian and mo if old xian spent months focusing on zhan and jian yi too. also missing other characters doesn't mean you don't love or enjoy the chapters happening currently.. you can miss jian yi AND enjoying the hell out of these he tian and mo chapters. you can feel both at the same time believe or not people. just like ppl can miss he tian and mo and still enjoy the zhan and jian yi chapters. I just really feel like this comment was taken way out of hand.

    also adding 'unpopular opinion' does not sound whiny at all. don't pay these people no mind, babe.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 6:19 am
    Well, so you just not very good at deductions. Again, just because fans are enjoying chapters which haven't been involving Jian Yi doesn't mean they don't want to see him also. Maybe fans just get the deal that... @Anonymous

    What? I never said anyone had to complain about him not being here. Actually, there's only like one other comment saying they miss Jian Yi. Yeah, I could've liked that one and left but I didn't. I don't think its rude for like two comments of someone saying they miss a character or two while thousands praise the current couple/chapter. That's petty to find that rude. Plus, all the characters are still that authors. All of them. Again, no one said that had to complain about him not being there. You're saying that. I felt my opinion unpopular at the time due to me also assuming that people would not get why I miss him so early. As expected, I got backlash. Lol it doesn't matter who's center of focus in the manga, other characters are allowed to be missed or mentioned. Not that big of a deal. No, my words didn't "viel" anything. You're trying to twist my words into that. That's what you want so you have a good reason to be arguing with me. I miss him. I felt my opinion unpopular that's why I put it. Plain and simple. Lol there was no shade thrown at anyone. That's just messy.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 6:27 am
    I agree with you. Honest to god, I don't see why some people are overreacting to this simple comment. People should actually be responding like this to the ACTUAL comments which are hateful. this one does not s... @Anonymous

    Lol thank you too BABE

    I'm not bothered I'm more confused because my comment was simple BUT IT GOT PEOPLE UPSET AS IF IM COMING TO TAKE OUT THEIR SHIP

    Like I genuinely miss my boy Jian Yi can someone not do that without having a hidden agenda or something

    Unpopular May 31, 2018 3:21 pm

    This is not unpopular opinion. Almost everybody loves Jian Yi.
    This is an unpopular opinion: I think Jian Yi is cute but annoying and Xi is kind of a flat character. I think their arc needs some closure but as far as excitement goes, I don't feel any when their chapters are up. I think I'll get attacked for this comment but taste can't be helped, just like yours.
    I do refrain from commenting on Jian Yi chapters however that I miss my favorite -- Momo -- because I don't see the point in bursting into other peoples fan girling over what they like. Plus I know that my opinion is truly unpopular so it's like an invitation to get thumbed down and removed. This is another thing that proves that your opinion is far from unpopular. One annoying thing in 19 Days is that when an opinion is really unpopular, it doesn't survive the thumbs down mob.

    Mimi May 31, 2018 3:36 pm
    This is not unpopular opinion. Almost everybody loves Jian Yi. This is an unpopular opinion: I think Jian Yi is cute but annoying and Xi is kind of a flat character. I think their arc needs some closure but as... @Unpopular

    As I said, I felt it unpopular. Thats why I put it. That's all. I usually don't focus much on the fandom. I just read and go. I was just saying I miss him. And me missing him shouldn't affect anyone's excitement over Tianshan unless they're that sensitive to get triggered that someone is commenting about something other than Tianshan. I don't think its wrong to say you miss someone. But since it isn't about their OTP's chapter, there's a problem.

    Anonymous May 31, 2018 3:52 pm
    As I said, I felt it unpopular. Thats why I put it. That's all. I usually don't focus much on the fandom. I just read and go. I was just saying I miss him. And me missing him shouldn't affect anyone's excitemen... Mimi

    Yeah, you said that. You just assumed that people enjoying this chapter and not posting about missing Jian Yi meant they didn't mind him. Then people who like him felt the need to explain to you how that wasn't the best assumption.
    Now you know your opinion is not unpopular.
    19 Days fandom rule number one: unpopular opinions don't survive thumbs down.