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The only character I like here is Woojung. Jinwoo is so fucking irritating, the way he did...

szieru May 31, 2018 11:37 pm

The only character I like here is Woojung. Jinwoo is so fucking irritating, the way he didn't give a shit about Seohee's confession, I can't stand him. Sarang is quite cute but I can't like him after he pretended to be his brother and slept with Jinwoo. When I read commens here sometimes it feels like you guys read different manhwa than me.

    Anonymous June 1, 2018 12:00 am

    Proszę Cię, przeprowadziłam na tym forum setkę dyskusji i to się mija z celem. Jest tu jakaś przemądrzała osobnicza, która jakikolwiek pozytywny komentarz o Woojungu zmiesza z błotem, nawet jeśli chciałeś zaznaczyć,że historia ma wiele luk fabularnych,że postacie są nierealistycznie napisane,że główna para jest bez skazy,a inni są pokazani w negatywnym świetle,abyś przypadkiem przez sekundę się nie wahał kogo powinieneś wspierać.
    Historia jest banalna i nudna.
    Przynajmniej Woojung wydaje się być w miarę realistycznym bohaterem na tle,albo nadwyraz wybielonych postaci jak główna para, albo przegietych w drugą stronę osobników, jak Ex Saranga czy kompletnie pogubiona,samolubna Seohee,która jest tak nierealistyczna i płytka,że ręce opadają. I jeszcze hejterzy Ci napiszą,że cudowną parę by z Woojungiem tworzyła. Tak zapewne laska obudzi się pewnego poranka i poczuje miętę do gościa , który ją kompletnie nie interesował, którego wykorzystywała i nie specjalnie obchodziły ją jego uczucia ani fakt,że go rani.
    Jinwoo jest typowym panem ideałem, który jest tak mdły i wydumany,że... Nc
    Aczkolwiek cały czas też to podkreślam sposób w jaki potraktował Seohee jest karygodny. Niby przyjaźnią się od lat, nawet przed transferem Woojunga,ale tak naprawdę wygląda na to,że zadawał się z nią tylko i wyłącznie po to,żeby się przypodobać Woojungowi. Sorry,ale jak ktoś ci wyznaje miłość i to twój długoletni,blsiki przyjaciel, nie mówisz mu,spieprzaj, jestem homo,dowidzenia. Zresztą akcja kiedy w jej urodziny od razu uciekł,po wyjściu Woojunga. Serio? Ich przyjaźń jest bardzo,ale to bardzo niewiarygodna.
    Tłumaczenia Saranga,że był pijany jest żałosne. Od początku udawał,że jest Woojungiem, nawet nwm co chciał w tym wskórać, raczej nie miało to na celu ocieplić stosunków z bratem.nwm jak tłumaczyć wgl ta sytuację, ale nie widzę wielkiej miłości Saranga w stosunku do brata. Oczywiste jest,że po prześladowaniu ze strony Woojunga oziębił się jego stosunek do bliźniaka...ale bądźmy szczerzy co Sarang w życiu zrobił dla Woojunga? Nic. Woojung całe życie go bronił,był jego opiekunem. Nie bronie Woojunga,ale nie cierpię takich bezradnych,nijakich uke jak Sarang. Którzy potrafią tylko płakać, rumienić się i czekać na ratunek.
    Ludzie uwielbiają słodkie wypłuczyny pokroju Sarang i Jinwoo chociaż są mdli,nudni i nie wnoszą niczego nowego.
    Więc szykuj się na falę hejtu.

    Internal June 1, 2018 12:00 am

    Lol he meet up with her and explained why he can't be with her ( not once) isn't that enough? What else do you want him to do? Date her perhaps? And why are people blaming sarang for sleeping with jinwoo when he wasn't even dating woojung. You say the only character you like is woojung, but do you know your character well? Based on the story we can see that he isn't gay so why y'all woojung fans want him with jinwoo who is a guy. Jinwoo dating sarang doesn't mean he stop caring for woojung he still meet him up and try to help him with his family problem. Seahee is the one being irritating not caring about jinwoo and woojung feelings. Please read WELL the story and UNDERSTAND words of it. Not trying to be mean btw XD

    Whining. June 1, 2018 12:18 am

    Maybe we are reading a different story. Woojung is a fucking asshole selfish homophobe, immature and a pushover. There are several chapters where he shows this behavior. Maybe you missed this last chapter where Woojung is having yet another tantrum and saying to his friend ' Who the hell gave you permission to date Sarang'. Such a great fella and friend.
    If you are into selfish man-child who can't own their mistakes and shit, yes, Woojung is perfect for you.
    What a bunch of fucking annoying butt hurts. Move on. Woojung is not the MC, he is not the love interest and his arc is about growing up -- both in intellect and some balls because the way he lets that girl walk all over him is not pretty.

    Anonymous June 1, 2018 12:28 am
    Lol he meet up with her and explained why he can't be with her ( not once) isn't that enough? What else do you want him to do? Date her perhaps? And why are people blaming sarang for sleeping with jinwoo when h... Internal

    Lol. He was her friends for years. Close friend.
    And when she confesed he literaly said sorry, im gay,fuck off. He didnt try to talk with her,he didnt say that he is flattered,that he love her but not in that way,he didnt make her understand. If you treated your friends like that, I can only sympathise with them.
    Also he couldnt even stay on her birthday with her after Woojung left. Seriously? It looks like he only spent time with her because he wanted to be closer to Woojung. He treats her cold but Woojung who is nearly as bad as her,maybe worse, he treats warm and kindly.
    Oh so you would be ok if someone pretended to be you and slept with you bffs who Has feeling for you even if you dont reciprocate them. Ok.
    I dont even know what happened in Sarang's head right there. He even didnt know how Jinwoo's and Woojung's relationship looked like. What if Woojung changed and also had feelings for Jinwoo f.e.
    He wanted to warm jak relationship with his bro and he did smt like this. LOGIC.

    Internal June 1, 2018 12:43 am
    Lol. He was her friends for years. Close friend.And when she confesed he literaly said sorry, im gay,fuck off. He didnt try to talk with her,he didnt say that he is flattered,that he love her but not in that wa... @Anonymous

    As for the girl confess jinwoo had a perfect reaction trying not to give her hope and after lying to woojung and asking him to stay away from both of them yes I think she deserve how jinwoo rejected her. Knowing her character I don't think flattering her would had made her understand that he can't be with her. No one can understand what was going on sarang head that night but one thing I am sure is that we can't keep on blaming sarang just because he slept with jinwoo he made a mistake so what and it's not like he pretended to be him every time he slept with jinwoo. Wonder why people are still hating Sarang for sleeping with jinwoo it's not like he raped him or something. And oh btw no one can pretend to be me because I don't have a twin who looks exactly like me or a twin who sounds like me.

    Anonymous June 1, 2018 12:53 am
    As for the girl confess jinwoo had a perfect reaction trying not to give her hope and after lying to woojung and asking him to stay away from both of them yes I think she deserve how jinwoo rejected her. Knowin... Internal

    Lol it was rhetorical question XDDDD
    I myself have older sister who looks very similar to me and its creep me out.
    Really you think the way he treated his close friend was ok. One sentence. Ok. As i said i can only feel sympathy for your friends if you treat them that way. I guess you dont.
    But its was really reaaly nad way to solve the problem. Maybe even actually situation looks like that in some percent because of that.
    I dont hate Sarang. He is boring,he is bland. Typical uke. Nothing new,nothing shocking,he is even cute. Let him be. He and Jinwoo are both really similar so let them be together.
    But you cant say what he did was ok. I only told a fact.

    Hana Haru June 1, 2018 1:08 am

    You think Jinwoo is bad for not giving a shit about Seohee's confession? What about Woojung? Did Woojung give a shit about Sarang's coming out? Did he try to talk things out with him? Sarang was his BROTHER!! No he resorted to fists like his father. This is just double standand. And maybe you've forgotten that Woojung knows Jinwoo likes him. Did he give a shit about that? And now suddenly he wants to decide who Jinwoo and Sarang can and cannot date. How the hell did he earn that right? Woojung is an annoying motherfucker, and would be the character I hate most in this manga, if I didn't hate his father so much more.

    szieru June 1, 2018 7:42 am
    Proszę Cię, przeprowadziłam na tym forum setkę dyskusji i to się mija z celem. Jest tu jakaś przemądrzała osobnicza, która jakikolwiek pozytywny komentarz o Woojungu zmiesza z błotem, nawet jeśli chc... @Anonymous

    Spodziewałam sie fali hejtu kiedy to pisałam i w sumie ją dostałam ale już nie mogłam wytrzymać. Nie mogę uwierzyć we wszystkie komentarze o tym jak Sarang i Jinwoo są uroczy. Ok Sarang nie jest taki zły, kolejny mdły uke jak to napisałaś, to że przespał się z Jinwoo można jakis wytłumaczyć ale Jinwoo jest tak irytujący, że nie mogę na niego patrzeć. Piszą mi o tym jaki Woojung jest okropny i homofobiczny, może nie jest idealny ale to jedyna postać, której zachowanie ma jakieś usprawiedliwienie i która nie jest nudna. Zupelnie rozumiem dlaczego nienawidzi swojego brata (ich matka to w ogóle jeszcze inna historia, co ona sobie myślała olewając jednego syna przez tyle lat) i tylko jego zachowanie ma jakiś większy sens w tej manhwie

    szieru June 1, 2018 7:48 am
    Proszę Cię, przeprowadziłam na tym forum setkę dyskusji i to się mija z celem. Jest tu jakaś przemądrzała osobnicza, która jakikolwiek pozytywny komentarz o Woojungu zmiesza z błotem, nawet jeśli chc... @Anonymous

    I didn't mean I like Woojung behavior but he is the only realistic character here with an actual backstory and it's easy to explain why is he like this. He is not a homophobe, he hates Sarang because of what his coming out did to their family (he didn't care that much when Jinwoo said he is gay)

    szieru June 1, 2018 7:49 am
    I didn't mean I like Woojung behavior but he is the only realistic character here with an actual backstory and it's easy to explain why is he like this. He is not a homophobe, he hates Sarang because of what hi... szieru

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