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I don't get it the story is understandable but I can't see the progress or whut? I'm a bit...

Fries June 2, 2018 3:04 pm

I don't get it the story is understandable but I can't see the progress or whut? I'm a bit lost because the Ike said it's weird for him to be with those two but he and the seme aren't lovey dovey yet so why did he got so worked up?! There's no progress in the couple itself so meh. But the stories cute and cheezyΣ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Adibaby June 2, 2018 3:19 pm

    I think its because Toki( I think thats his name) is in love with Hisamitsu( i think that's the father's name) and the more they stay together the harder in love Toki falls. He's afraid of the day when Hisamitsu falls for a woman and decides to marry her. He knows he'll have to step aside at that point but he doesn't want to because loves both of them. I think he's trying to create a wall between them so as to protect his heart from being shattered once Hisamitsu leaves him. IMO Hisamitsu is also in love with Toki, check out that resting jealous face on pg 8 of chp 3 lol. A lot of yaoi rushes thru the story but I think this Mangaka is just taking things a little slower.