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Another one

Potaku June 3, 2018 4:58 am

I was likeing this story until the princess came and ruined everything smh, such a waste. Yet another story dropped.
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    demon13o June 8, 2018 11:56 pm

    Well I'm sure she'll have a proper role in this. I'm just reading it for the plot... even if the chapters are shorter then a walk...

    Vivi July 4, 2018 2:48 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Mangafan1212

    I guess...but wouldn’t she cause the mc to have more problems. Because they have the so called rebels want to kidnap her?? Or was that settled that fast. I don’t really like her either

    Langria July 14, 2018 5:39 pm

    I liked the princess at first but then she became clingy and caused so many problems for the main character