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whats with all these crazy comments. read the DJ before you complain! stop saying how you ...

seke August 28, 2013 4:41 am

whats with all these crazy comments. read the DJ before you complain! stop saying how you dont want your imaged ruined with mookyul and the president. it gives you the back story on them and CLARIFIES that they never did anything more than ORAL. so maybe you need to re read or learn english because he clearly stated in here and the manwua that he was and never will be a uke... smh

i quite honestly liked this dj. i liked learning more of the story that happened before the ewon appeared. and how we got to see it from a different characters point of view. it made me love TC even more :D

    Aitsuyoi September 11, 2013 3:24 pm

    what i find interesting is the relationship is FINALLY clarified. Somehow the way the president explained his relationship made sense more than the vague glimpses we get in the original.

    articwolf October 7, 2013 1:31 am

    i agree with both of you. it gives a better clarification about everything even how the group was built and such. reading the original brought questions about the pres and mookyul relationship so i'm glad this clarified everything. it was a good read.