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For anyone that is confused about what's going on with Takaya: He died at the end ...

Mero June 5, 2018 10:44 pm

For anyone that is confused about what's going on with Takaya:

He died at the end of Yuki wa Jigoku ni Ochiru no ka cause someone needed to sacrifice themselves. However, in the last chapter, there's a time skip of 7 years (Yuki's 23ish now) and while Yuki's walking in the village, the 7 year old reincarnation of Takaya turns around and looks at her (thats how it ends).

This one shot shows that Takaya waited until he was 16 to go reunite with Yuki and the others.

    tehanu July 1, 2018 5:44 pm

    can you give a link to the raws

    Mero July 5, 2018 10:09 pm

    I don't have chinese raws. I read Yuki wa Jigoku ni Ochiru no ka in spanish since they already finished translating. Here is the link

    tehanu July 7, 2018 12:03 am
    I don't have chinese raws. I read Yuki wa Jigoku ni Ochiru no ka in spanish since they already finished translating. Here is the link Mero

    thank you so much