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I wonder when will that arrogant girl will die?... She's fucking annoying!!! wtf?!....

Anonymous June 7, 2018 12:26 pm

I wonder when will that arrogant girl will die?...
She's fucking annoying!!! wtf?!...who does she think she is,acting all high and mighty?..if ur asking someone a favor, be polite,not demand it like she's some princess.

Hope she die on future chapter.

    IsitYou June 22, 2018 7:43 am

    And the thing that sucks is that in MOST shounen animes, mangas, and/or novels, the main girl is an annoying, arrogant ass bitch like this chick, COME ON!! tell me that you've noticed before! I hate tusnderes like these chicks, and they're so rude to the mc, Sometimes they're really violent, and every time they hit/kick/punch the mc for no good damn reason, it's seen as something funny and Okay when it really isn't! I get so pissed... And the reason why this is seen as 'Okay' is JUST because she is a girl, but that really shouldn't change anything cuz she's still physically hurting him

    IsitYou June 22, 2018 7:43 am
    And the thing that sucks is that in MOST shounen animes, mangas, and/or novels, the main girl is an annoying, arrogant ass bitch like this chick, COME ON!! tell me that you've noticed before! I hate tusnderes ... IsitYou

    Sorry for posting some long ass rant on some useless shit

    Imu is dead July 3, 2018 3:43 am


    Kai14 July 21, 2018 11:25 pm

    I thought i was the only one thinking that.

    Meow July 22, 2018 6:28 am
    And the thing that sucks is that in MOST shounen animes, mangas, and/or novels, the main girl is an annoying, arrogant ass bitch like this chick, COME ON!! tell me that you've noticed before! I hate tusnderes ... IsitYou

    oh my gob thank GLOB im not the only one. i just hate in fantasy the girl just abuses the main character, and even if she likes him, isnt there some limit to how far you can abuse a person for no actual reason?? and yea, there a girl, no reason a guy cant defend himself when he's being physically abused, is there? NO!! thats just wrong!!

    Meow July 22, 2018 6:30 am

    every episode, a main character gets abused by a tsundere female. call 666-888-MAINCHARACTERABUSE to help put a stop to this....(⊙…⊙ )

    Shicrood July 24, 2018 3:44 pm
    oh my gob thank GLOB im not the only one. i just hate in fantasy the girl just abuses the main character, and even if she likes him, isnt there some limit to how far you can abuse a person for no actual reason?... Meow

    Me three!! I hate that type of girl like seriously can they just dont ever exist hahah i prefer no girl or a better girl that isnt annoying af. Not too mention when there is harem...