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You know I hate manage people that uses other people to benefit their selves to getting ah...

dorishpp August 29, 2013 1:58 pm

You know I hate manage people that uses other people to benefit their selves to getting ahead!!! The thing that manager did to this man is despicable!! I can see using someone to make the company work but to use someones looks and body and to play with somebodies affections is just awful!! That manager new that this guy loved him enough to go out of his way to get the contracts just for him and then he turns around and hurt him really bad by telling him he was just using him!!! I hope that Mari ends up really happy being with the one he loves now!!! As for me I couldn't do it knowing that the man I love has all these other lovers in his harem even if I am the main lover!! I would have went home with this unhappiness and worked to forget all that has happened to me and moved forward!!! This is a nice story to read!! I liked the art work and the love scenes were kind of nice!! I can't wait until the next chapter so PLEASE UPDATE ASAP!!! thx D
