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idk the webtoon started so good and I was excited for every new chapter but now I don't ev...

Jasminili June 8, 2018 9:48 pm

idk the webtoon started so good and I was excited for every new chapter but now I don't even like the characters anymore. And I dislike DG even more than Alex, he has no backbone at all and is behaving like a startruck fanboy, which is really annoying me

    shmyng June 9, 2018 12:34 am

    well, he IS literally a startruck fanboy before he slept with Alex.

    V June 9, 2018 4:55 am

    What's so bad about it? Its not even bad, at least in my POV. The manhwa is going at a decent pace. DG doesn't have a backbone but not entirely; he's developing one slowly as shown by him asking Alex about performing his sexual fantasy and whatnot. Personally I like my manwhas/mangas at a good pace, not super short or rushed. PLUS they're fuck buddies, like how much of a backbone do you want him to have if he's just gonna see Alex every time they have sex only.

    ? June 9, 2018 9:11 am

    Alex ghosting him seems to be to put distance, but he doesn't seem to want to end their agreement yet. I mean why else not just say "It's over. Buh-bye". It'd be one thing to ghost if DG continued to hound Jiwon after being told it's over.

    Jiwon never told DG it was over so DG is of course going to continue to talk and text him.

    I can only think that Jiwon wants it both ways. He wants to keep the sex thing, but ghost DG until DG gives up the idea that they'll ever be dating.

    Personally, I hate the way Jiwon is handling it. It's mean-spirited and weak.

    I really, really want it to backfire on Jiwon and DG to officially end their agreement. That'd be delicious to see.