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This whole thing make me feel so angry to the top. The author really force the characters ...

Anonymous June 11, 2018 12:11 pm

This whole thing make me feel so angry to the top. The author really force the characters to walk on the path. Lol, knew right from the start who would be bad as the author is really forcing everything to become one story. Great.. and as i thought they are. Geeze.. the author really forces everything so easily. Totally turn off to read. Not even close to perfect manga. seriously not cool even though there're some good actions. Some bl fans were drawn to this caz of some scenes due to the anime. Understandable. they just had to satisfy with that caz there aren't many bl animes than normal ones. Blame myself for reading this but no one else for listening to some person who did half-ass job to check. what a waste of my time. "pissed".Shit. Really turn off.

    Shizaya__ June 20, 2018 9:16 pm

    i really want to talk to you in private chat if possible ┗( T﹏T )┛