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THE FUCK WAS THAT-- I don't understand. So they both got into a accident, I suppose one of...

1OvErDoSE01 June 12, 2018 5:19 am

THE FUCK WAS THAT-- I don't understand. So they both got into a accident, I suppose one of em survived the other died, and so the girl (lam?) had requested a head transplant onto her body, (Blanche's head?) and so they'd survived as the first record.

However it seemed that since she (Lam) had developed DID (dissociative identity disorder) she had knew she was one with Blanche, as another personality.
They were "both" in control when actuality Blanche had died from suicide (?)

Lam had gone over to supposedly their old house in which they lived together and found out that she, was a girl named Lam, the body, and Blanche was the head of the body, she now knew and had retrieved her forgotten memories.

Did I get it wrong? Can someone clear it up?

    Flex18 August 29, 2018 4:49 pm

    It sounds fucked up, so it probely what is going on

    Fantomeducouloir October 26, 2018 9:03 pm

    Errr what we know is that they both got in an accident, and that Blanche's head was transplanted on Lam's body, probably against both their consents (I'm assuming). Although Blanche's personality was the dominant one, another personality emerged, without memories but that is probably Lam's.
    Blanche is aware of their situation and can't bear it, and "Lam" discovered it the day she didn't take the pills and got back to Blanche's flat.