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Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) *ran out of chapters* Noooooooo~ (/TДT)/ . . . That disciplinary st...

Mossy June 13, 2018 11:36 am

Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) *ran out of chapters* Noooooooo~ (/TДT)/ . . .
That disciplinary student who's name I've already forgotten, is just jealous cuz no one invited him to plant his own space in the garden, lol...

I need moar T-T; *runs to find the raws*

    Mossy June 13, 2018 11:49 am

    Letter in a bottle: >3>/
    (Dear myself;
    For your future reference in case you come back at some point in the future and there happens to be more translated; I last read chapter 23.

    With love, your obnoxious past self ;P
    P.S. To all whose found this missing note: Spread le news. We must start a revolution. Let's pick up this project again and translate away! More importantly~ buy the manga and support the author! <3
    P.P.S. If ya don't got the dough tho, at least forever remember this masterpiece!
    P.P.P.S. I hope the ending to this is good >3</ Cuz so far the impression it leaves me is hardcore fanscreaming for more...
    P.P.*Cough* I shall now fold this note dribbled with tears into this champaign bottle and toss it into the sea called the web.)