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Himeowchama June 15, 2018 3:39 am

It was getting interesting and all, and then Hosaka became an ass (ch3, where he kinda emotionally blackmailed the uke about breaking up. The uke became desperate and shit and I was hopeful that Hosaka will be desperate and explain that he didn't mean it that way, but noooooo. He just have to have the uke's mouth in his dick that made the uke feel desperate for the seme to stay with him. That should've been a clear sign that the uke wanted to be with the seme. And he just had to fucking drag it out and tell all the shit to the uke just at the end of ch 4) and kinda made the uke pitiful.

We know that he didn't mean it at first, but he didn't clarify shit and I was legit hurt when the uke became desperate. The uke did whatever Hosaka wanted and it's really bothersome. Hosaka may have not done bad for now, but that'll seriously develop into a toxic relationship. Also, they didn't discuss shit about Miki, and that's that.

But at least they talk about insecurity in the end so whatever.
