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The fact that they didn't immediately kick the sister out after moving in together is insu...

notyurinotinterested June 18, 2018 7:07 pm

The fact that they didn't immediately kick the sister out after moving in together is insulting.

    Heavensrun January 6, 2019 3:44 am

    I don't see why it's insulting. She's family. It's not that weird for a couple to live with other family members, especially in Japan. The epilogue makes it clear that they've got a pretty good relationship at that point, and it doesn't look like she's going to get in the way.

    notyurinotinterested January 7, 2019 4:32 am

    I don't mean insulting as in 'the writing quality is insulting', as I can totally understand why they would allow the sister to stay with them. I merely meant that I personally really dislike the sister and so it makes me mad that they'd let her stay. Apologies for the confusion.

    Mumbler August 6, 2019 4:41 am
    I don't mean insulting as in 'the writing quality is insulting', as I can totally understand why they would allow the sister to stay with them. I merely meant that I personally really dislike the sister and so ... notyurinotinterested

    Little Hana doesn't deserve live without her mother, so all right.