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ME: reposting and changing lil bit

Meri June 18, 2018 8:26 pm

mmmmm please someone help me, im trying to find this manga which is probably shounen ai (not yaoi), and it is a manga with school dorms or boarding house, well i dont rememeber much, excep that there is this legend about some stairs, and if you run them in a certain time, you get your wish come true, i remember some of the guys in the dorm trying this legend to help someone (i think it was a female). I have roughly search up a lot of dorm mangas but nothing plsssssss i I really need help.

BTW: its not- Here is Greenwood

    honeylemon June 18, 2018 8:56 pm

    maybe it's boku girl

    Meri June 18, 2018 9:04 pm
    maybe it's boku girl honeylemon

    sorry, it seem to be the wrong one, but thanks for replying

    poisen.ivy June 18, 2018 10:43 pm

    reminds me of a korean horror move "whishing stairs" - same thing
    stairs, wish, but its not yaoi here, more yuri :)
    I tried to check if its based on a manga but could not find a hint :(