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I read the whole thing again to sort out the cheating thing. We my not like that Aya was s...

iamxrae June 20, 2018 8:10 am

I read the whole thing again to sort out the cheating thing. We my not like that Aya was sleeping with other women, but Aya and Yuu-Chan weren’t technically lovers. Yes they had feelings for each other, had sex and spent time together, but no confessions since it seemed that they were essentially in a figuring-it-out mode. I’m convinced that Aya had absolutely no clue that what he was doing was upsetting Yuu-Chan or was wrong, since his past experiences were pretty much just sex and being taken care of by women including his benefactor. Now he’s in love for the first time, but still feels obligated to his benefactor for taking care of him, and doesn’t figure it out until his benefactor points it out to him. Yeah, he’s a little dumb. But at least once he figured it out, he stayed committed and they finally mutually confessed to each other.

If the mutual confessions came first and Aya still fooled around with women after, then there’d be a problem.

    Sachiko July 4, 2018 10:39 am

    Nope there's still a problem. Since Yuu had the expectations that this would be an exclusive exchange (as I outlined above) it is still cheating. Not once did Aya come out and tell him about his relationships with his benefactor, either. Not even after he realized the truth. Nor did he apologize to Yuu for making him feel that he needed to distance himself from Aya. After all, Aya still does not believe he did anything wrong to YUU. He's still just selfishly relating to it within the context of how HE feels about it. Thus Aya victim blamed Yuu for it. Disappointing.