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Seme has always loved uke but won’t confess. Takes away uke’s girlfriends behind his b...

iamxrae June 21, 2018 12:12 am

Seme has always loved uke but won’t confess. Takes away uke’s girlfriends behind his back and then dumps them. Finally confesses to uke but breaks up when crazy obsessed woman makes a threat. Uke saves the day.

I hate to rain on everyone’s parade about galant uke saving his seme, and of course it makes for good action, but, um...seme could have nipped it in the bud at the very beginning. Instead of wimping out when that woman threatened Nagisa, all Taiga had to do was exactly what Nagisa did. Grab her by the face and tell her, bitch, he’s mine and if you go near him I will ruin you. Then let Nagisa and the other guys know what happened so that they could be on the lookout, just in case. Notify police of potential stalking threat. And what’s with letting her tie him up and gag him? Taiga could have had her running scared.
