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Lol that's cute. But aren't calico's generally females? xD

Aiko September 2, 2013 7:26 pm

Lol that's cute. But aren't calico's generally females? xD

    yaoi lover September 2, 2013 7:41 pm

    Yeah, I just said it below. They should be females since the coat color is linked to X chromosomes but I guess hes a werecat so the normal genetics doesnt apply, which makes him so cool XD

    Just another girl September 2, 2013 7:41 pm

    Calicos can only be females since the odd coloration comes from the X chromosomes. To simplify it, calico cats have multiple colored hair because each area of hair uses a different set of genes. This only works because they have two X chromosomes so can turn one set of - each set turns off independently. Male cats can't do this because they only have one X chrosome so they will be either black or orange.

    Yupppp September 2, 2013 7:44 pm

    Calicoes are usually females. It's really rare to see a male calico. Because genetic determination of some coat colors in cats is linked to the X chromosome, calicoes are nearly always female. Because of the genetics involved, calico males generally have impaired vitality and are almost always sterile.

    yaoi lover September 2, 2013 7:47 pm

    @just another girl: I know we're getting off topic here but there are male calico cats but they are not normal. Its called Klinefelter syndrome, XXY genome. They will be sterile though.

    Just another girl September 2, 2013 7:52 pm

    @yaoi lover, I forgot about that. . . there is also always the possibility it is a chimera and not actually a calico.

    yaoi lover September 2, 2013 8:02 pm

    To conclude this discussion in a funny note: lets just assume everything is possible in manga. If they can make us believe that mixed people have bright blonde hair or identical twins with different sex (Note that Im not even mention about the natural blue/green/purple hair), I think we can safely assume that cat genetics is the least thing the mangaka care about. But now I randomly want a male calico. Give me one.

    Ian Somerhalder lover September 3, 2013 1:02 am

    apparently not.