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is it just me who feels some danger whenever mochiduki is near masaki? i'm kinda worried h...

Rei-san June 21, 2018 12:27 pm

is it just me who feels some danger whenever mochiduki is near masaki?
i'm kinda worried he would do something to him in the future, i hope that's not the case

    Aurinne June 21, 2018 1:28 pm

    I was wondering if he'd abandon the kid with them, if he's prejudiced against omegas, or even just not coping. Either way, there was definitely one disturbing glance he gave Masaki that I thought was supposed to be either a flag or just make us nervous on purpose.

    ijiwarumochi June 21, 2018 3:32 pm

    i thought the same!! my friend also said that this mata ashita series will be bitter, but i didnt ask for the reason. i feel scared somehow...bcs everything is too cute, i am scared if it is ruined:"(( well, at least i find the conflict by myself, not from spoiler--