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sorry , but i need to rant so ... Rant Ahead ! That gaeun girl (or whatever's her name, i ...

I CANT STAND GAEUN June 26, 2018 8:43 am

sorry , but i need to rant so ... Rant Ahead !
That gaeun girl (or whatever's her name, i don't care) seriously needs to be punished for bullying and harrasment. It makes my blood boil whenever i see her in the comic. Also, i hate people who try to justify her bullying (thankfully, most of you guys commenting are not that type).
When you are a victim, you don't really care for the reason someone has bullied you. Most people who do justify a bully's actions , like that tall girl friend of Ori's, don't even understand the pain we victims go through. If they did, they wouldn't justify it. "oh no, they're not bad people, they're just going through a rough time/made a mistake/are immature" is what i frequently hear. But do y'all think i care that "they're going through a rough time" ? You want me to care for and understand people who made me miserable enough to attempt killing myself ? Asking Ori to "try and understand" that gaeun bitch is like asking me to care for the people who drove me to self harm . At no point can the author make me care for that gaeun bitch, no one can. But other than that, great manga ! <3
P.s - I wasn't criticising the author at any point, i truly love the manga. But i just can't sympathise with Gaeun.
