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I don't know why, I know he didn't want to have a child, and Dojin didn't do everything ri...

L June 27, 2018 11:22 am

I don't know why, I know he didn't want to have a child, and Dojin didn't do everything right either, but the Omega is pissing me off so much ughhhh how can he act like that it's just, idk how to describe but he disgusts me, he himself doesn't want to be used, but then he goes and uses Dojin all he likes, and, what the hell, he hit his freaking stomach, like WhY wOulD hE dO THaT WhaT iF hE HurtS tHE pOor CHilD gRowiNG In iT.. I don't even feel bad for him anymore, I am just so mad at his behavior. >-<
