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Its been a long ride..

Mr.Bananaise July 4, 2018 11:44 am

Wow, is this really the end of the TG series all together? It's been a rough 6-7 years and I can't personally say that I love the ending, this series has been such a big part of my life for the past 5 years and Monday will never be the same ever again, a big part of us all will be missing along with this series... I'm sure a lot of you agree as well as disagree but I understand that's just how Ishida Sensei ended it, whether he wanted it this way or not. There's still a lot of unanswered questions as well... I am so thankful though to all those who I've talked to and met through loving this series, the community has always been great. I hope The Tokyo Ghoul series will be loved for many generations after this as well, to me it's already become a classic ahaha. Peace out fellow Ghoulies.(●´□`)<3
