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Werewolf beta vs omegaverse beta

xanster July 5, 2018 2:15 am

Just saying in the werewolfverse (well, the fictional werewolfverse) betas are the next strongest wolf after the pack leader and ranks are decided via fights or by natural instinct when the weaker wolf will bare his/her throat or submit. alphas and omegas are just strongest vs weakest wolf- different from omegaverse. It’s based off the real-world wolf world - see

In omegaverse, as most of us know - there are the alpha, beta and omega ranks. So hope that clears up the confusion!

    xanster July 5, 2018 2:21 am

    ++ for the sake of minimising false news, also need to point out in the real world/ there is no such thing as the alpha wolf ^^ peace.

    Eiz July 5, 2018 4:00 am
    ++ for the sake of minimising false news, also need to point out in the real world/ there is no such thing as the alpha wolf xanster

    Facts versus fiction... we need to remember the difference. Reading fiction/fantasy is fun, and we escape into the world the author has created. Some forget and the line between the two become blurred.

    Sometimes, its also fun reading real life info/facts/stories.