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shout out to all my ms.Doh haters out there

Typical_Otaku July 9, 2018 2:30 am

i knew it would be to much of a coincidence to make her taesoo's ex! and she does GENUINELY like Joonhyuk and just wants to make a good impression on his family, but she doubts that a well off family like that will welcome someone like her...

    redsonja84 July 9, 2018 7:15 am

    Where does it show that she's his ex??

    Ishucaken July 10, 2018 7:55 am
    Where does it show that she's his ex?? redsonja84

    It doesn't.. Just a few hint maybe
    1.moon crystal.. Moon is teasoo family name
    2.she's kinda ok with the office relationship thingy