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The two main male characters are wonderful.

Ria_Dae July 9, 2018 1:09 pm

I'm so glad that the author took the mature male characters approach.

Instead of making one of them the usual petty male character who does anything to get the girl, both senior and Kyungsuk are mature, able to reason and reflect, able to accept rejection, respectful and genuine.

This webtoon has a lot of different character personalities, Sooah is bitchy but a really sad character chained by her own beauty; Mirae was bullied and can't break apart from her past; Kyungsuk is cold but caring and different, plus he also has a difficult past; senior is the typical male who goes for good looks BUT there is actually depth to his character; Mirae's unnie, the stalker, the idiot sexists....

I really like this manga and I hope the author continues developing the main character's. There's a lot of potential for this webtoon.
