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I think someone forgot to put their translation in cleaned scan.

Anon July 10, 2018 6:05 pm

I think someone forgot to put their translation in cleaned scan.

    Anonymous July 11, 2018 7:51 pm

    Yeah, I was just about to ask if chapter 242 was supposed to not have any text in it.... like, after daydreaming did he just have a completely brain freeze and couldn't think at At least that's what it looks like since someone forgot to put words into the speech/thought bubbles

    Anonymous July 11, 2018 7:53 pm
    Yeah, I was just about to ask if chapter 242 was supposed to not have any text in it.... like, after daydreaming did he just have a completely brain freeze and couldn't think at At least that's what it looks l... @Anonymous

    Also, I found the chapters with words instead of just blankness. Here's the link :)