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Do you guys know how to report someone?

shiishios July 11, 2018 8:26 pm

I literally didn’t do anything, and I haven’t even commented or said anything for a long time, when i got a direct message from someone called “fuckyoumangago” (which it looks like they made an entire account just to do this) and they are harrassing me and calling me names. I need to report them, somehow, do you guys know how to do that?

    baeby July 11, 2018 8:39 pm

    if it's a registered user, you can go on their profile and block them to prevent them from interacting with you.

    shiishios July 11, 2018 8:48 pm
    if it's a registered user, you can go on their profile and block them to prevent them from interacting with you. baeby

    Perfect, that worked! That was so helpful, thank you so much!

    baeby July 11, 2018 8:55 pm
    Perfect, that worked! That was so helpful, thank you so much! shiishios

    glad to have helped!