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I appreciate the hardwork!

Kei-senpai July 12, 2018 8:17 pm

When the author explains about he choices that they made to create this story, I was like "yeah that's kinda brilliant". This story, to be quite honest, I kinda irritated but love it at the same time. Because the whole story is so fucked up and it makes me mad but I didn't find it too much cliche. Even tho the endgame is just...too fast for me, but I kinda find all of this, quite amusing.

And goddamn they're so attractive, even the old man. I like how the author keep on making the MC's life more miserable and there's no happy ending. There should be a lot of room for sunbae to be more fucked up than that and how I wish more story for the old man. Yeah. The characters development shouldn't be rushed like this.

that old man is so handsome bye
