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So, I really want to read this but the terminal illness mentioned on the synopsis makes me...

Anonymous July 16, 2018 5:12 am

So, I really want to read this but the terminal illness mentioned on the synopsis makes me give a second thought, because I hate this sad stories where on of the characters dies. So any could tell me if he dies or not (I mean, he could be cured, or the doctors could be worng, I watched a j-drama like that)?
And this story is connected to the others? Can I understand the second and third story if I skip the first?

    Reinhardt July 17, 2018 2:00 pm

    happy end
    so no worries!

    Dema July 30, 2018 5:57 pm

    Also I just read the 3rd story and only connection is a mention of 1 of them being brothers with someone in first story and such. You CAN read it separate :) Also 3rd is my fav :P