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It feels like all seme say something like "He (uke) is really an interesting guy..."... Th...

アルテミス。 September 11, 2013 9:35 pm

It feels like all seme say something like "He (uke) is really an interesting guy..."... They say it in so many mangas!

    KouchiroYuu<3 September 12, 2013 9:33 am

    I know right...
    I guess a lot of other people noticed it too...
    can't they think of something new...

    moze September 13, 2013 5:20 am

    lol yea i just realize it happen in many mangas

    Anonymous September 13, 2013 6:10 am

    That's like the same thing as the dude with the hair colors ussualy don't end up together

    Linda September 14, 2013 8:44 pm

    well of course there is clich&eacute;es in yaoi, but it would be way more weird if they said "he's so totally ordinary and there's nothing special or interesting about him" I mean they need some reason to become intrested in eachother

    yaoi is art April 21, 2014 1:59 pm

    well because that's how they'll start their adventurous love~! lol. I mean, you're going out with someone you find "different" aren't you? The one that can make your heart skips a beat??

    He's interesting because he (the uke) is the only one that can make the seme's heart flutter~
