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Hotaru6 July 23, 2018 8:28 pm

You will eventually fall in love to that girl who doesn't have a good eye for men
Miyu is tht type who acts cute thn later back stab you and make up stories tht ain't true about you. I think she's made up of plastic, fake (I think she was the one who made up the rumor that yuri got rejected).
So for the ppl saying tht yuri is a bitch. You guys wake up, the bitch here is Miyu.
Anyways, I didn't like the guy very much at first, but if he keep on fixing some of his attitude i guess I'll change my mind and think tht his looks at least didn't went to waste..
Not just him actually, also yuri bcz I thinks there's also a bit somthn wrong with her..
But anyways, no one's perfect, so let's wait for the character improvement.
