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It became kinda lame, Idk maybe its just me who think that but I don't feel this emotion l...

Dan July 21, 2018 2:00 pm

It became kinda lame, Idk maybe its just me who think that but I don't feel this emotion like it was before. Maybe bc Rock has change a lot, also I don't see Dutch lately, even Revy change too she's not badass like she was

    Shindere April 16, 2019 8:55 pm

    I don't know about you but I like the new Rock more than the old Rock. The old Rock was a kindhearted person but he was also a hypocrite. He parade his action as justice and fool himself to believe that what he did is for the sake of others. But really, the things he did is for himself. To satisfy the thrill of gambling other people's life and to satiate his desire to help people in need.

    Now. He fully embrace himself and understand that he has a deep desire to help people in need. People who has reach rock bottom and has no where else to go. He may not be kindhearted anymore but it doesn't change the fact that he still helps people. And more to it than that, he's honest and sincere about his feelings now. Which makes him truthful.

    Honestly, I can't imagine what he'll become in the future. Probably a far more formidable and cruel person than Chang and Balalaika but for his sake which is to help desperate people who seek his help. And he will not hesitate to gamble with their lives.