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Well...for the last chapter i kind of did not really like it. Cuz its hurt you know to get...

Yoichi July 21, 2018 5:26 pm

Well...for the last chapter i kind of did not really like it. Cuz its hurt you know to get push away just like that...and then he just let other girls to smell it...omg how dumb he can be? That act pissed me off..even though i know the reason why he doing that... Sigh i love that couple so muchhh..but the last chapter make me feel so bitter

    Mameiha November 29, 2018 10:03 pm

    You're looking at it from Hiroto's POV, but from Masaki's POV, when girls get close he doesn't get aroused. Girls are safe, they do nothing for him. But Hiroto turns him on. Hiroto being close is dangerous around others because Masaki gets hot and wants to touch Hiroto and he can't stop himself from doing it. That would scare and embarrass Hiroto. Because Masaki loves Hiroto, he doesn't want to do that. Once Masaki knows that Hiroto is okay with being touched by him, Masaki changes the way he acts. They needed to talk about this and they did. That is why it ends with Hiroto clinging to Masaki and Masaki is okay with it.

    In a relationship, you can't predict the problems that will come up. So, you have to be flexible and forgiving of initial mistakes and problems until you can talk them through together. That is the point of the last chapter. Yes, they had a problem and feelings were bruised, but everything was fine and wonderful after they talk through their problem.

    Misoco December 3, 2019 7:09 pm
    You're looking at it from Hiroto's POV, but from Masaki's POV, when girls get close he doesn't get aroused. Girls are safe, they do nothing for him. But Hiroto turns him on. Hiroto being close is dangerous arou... Mameiha

    Agreed ! Best arguments that I have seen in discussion is on this site lmao

    ALisAnimeLover May 14, 2020 7:55 am
    You're looking at it from Hiroto's POV, but from Masaki's POV, when girls get close he doesn't get aroused. Girls are safe, they do nothing for him. But Hiroto turns him on. Hiroto being close is dangerous arou... Mameiha

    Yep! I actually liked the last chapter because they got to talk it out like "real adults"

    I found it weird they jacked off in a classroom though where were the students in that class? Lolololol