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Guys please helo me out. Were going to have a debate in school and the anwers we need to a...

Masky July 27, 2018 7:03 am

Guys please helo me out. Were going to have a debate in school and the anwers we need to answer are" what are the benefits of same sex marriage", "is it necessary to have same sex marriage" "is it practical?" pleeaaaseee help me out, it should be positive, sice im on the pro side

    achoo-ssi July 27, 2018 7:15 am

    same sex marriage benefits:
    - reduce of the population since they won't be able to have children, so population control
    - there's a huge chance that they will adopt which can also solve problems with orphans in this world and such
    - lead to more jobs in the community scientific community: however if the same sex marriage also chooses to use that donor sperm/egg thing and have their kid born in a pitri dish actually doing this can help in the scientific community and cause for more job opportunities can be given to these specific type of scientists as they are more needed
    - ofc lots of money is put into this whole process of having your kid being born scientifically in a pitri dish^^ helps economy as more money is being spent and passed around instead of ppl being frugal
    - thus necessary bc these benefits are pretty helpful to society ^^^

    achoo-ssi July 27, 2018 7:16 am

    i hope you win the debateee :))))

    achoo-ssi July 27, 2018 7:17 am
    i hope you win the debateee :)))) achoo-ssi

    also ofc there might be stats out there to support these arguments and i'll leave it to you to figure those all out lol good luck! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

    Emoyoshi July 27, 2018 7:19 am

    Same sex marriage is just as necessary as men and woman marriage, why? Well for starters it literally does not effect any ones lives so just like straight marriage. A lot of same sex couples would also love to adopt kids that straight people didn't want (thats a joke but sorta true) which puts lot of kids in good homes, also they help with lowering over population. And also why should someone not be able to marry someone they love? It's none of your business, so why should it bother you, the gay people don't like you and won't ruin your marriage you'll be ok (I hope u can use some of that, maybe with less sass lol)

    Masky July 27, 2018 10:49 am

    Thank you guys so much! It really helpsplus, these answers boosted my confidence for some reason about defending my side