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The couple has matching faces. eyuck.i really really dislike this one i just do its a teen...

PLUS September 15, 2013 8:27 pm

The couple has matching faces. eyuck.i really really dislike this one i just do its a teen abuse soap opera where everyone whines alot and then forgives eachother after constant stress and mental/ physical abuse. Also vampires who are citizens with slight racisim issues and red juiceboxs is boring as all get out. im a girl. i like romance . but im just disgusted with all the constant these sterotypes and BORING CHARACTERS IM OUT HOW IS THIS EVEN POPULAR THE GUYS ARE ABUSIVE AND INSECURE

    ladyannelise September 17, 2013 12:35 pm

    i understand that you have your own opinion, but please dont bash this manhwa badly,. there are a lot (me, included) who loves this series..
    i believe that you're just ranting but maybe you can tone it down or not post at all? just a simple request ^_^
    peace! >_<

    Neko November 29, 2013 7:14 pm

    i agree with you as well vampires are meant to be strong not hide afraid of being abused