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Not manga related

Sugay August 1, 2018 7:53 am

I know this is so unrelated but I dont know where to say this tbh.

I have friends, yet I feel so lonely. Why is that? .-.

    Dwelves August 1, 2018 7:56 am

    They're imaginary...???

    okayreiji August 1, 2018 8:11 am

    We won’t know. Only you will.

    InsomniacEnigma August 1, 2018 8:19 am

    There are so many scenarios why someone could feel this way

    1)Connection: It is possible that you really 'can't connect well' with them? [words taken from my extrovert friend] In other words, you chat and talk about everyday stuff, but you can't feel as though you belong?
    2)Trapped: It is also possible that you feel limited with your friends, you hold back what you really feel or think just so that you dont feel hated or isolated?
    3)Familiarity: I may be that they are your friends, but you can't feel relaxed or familiar with them?
    4)Unrelated: It is also possible that something else is making you feel lonely, and you simply believe that it is related with your friends
    5)Yourself/Depression?: Maybe it's not caused by others, but yourself? Your relationships and situation may be fine, but if your mind thinks otherwise, you will harbor negative thoughts about the simplest things. It doesn't necessarily mean that you are depressed; it may be possible that you feel trapped in a constant cycle, and it is taking a toll on you (not surprising, given that reality can feel monotone and repetitive)

    These are all assumptions since I don't know your situation, but those are some of the scenarios I could think of from the top of my head.

    I can't recommend any solutions for you since I don't know you nor your situation very well, but I'd say that reflect on yourself and your surroundings more; analyse your actions and encounters; pros and cons with them. Maybe you might be able to find an answer there. Once you have understood the situation, only then would you be able to form a solution or compromise.

    InsomniacEnigma August 1, 2018 8:21 am

    TL;DR: There are multiple possibilities and scenarios out there. Analyse your situation first. Once, you've understood, only then you can solve it.

    SquishySushi August 1, 2018 8:23 am

    Me too...honestly...idk, I think it’s cuz everyone I love is having other ppl in their lives like, they r getting themselvs bfs or gfs....n ur just here...reading BL...and being single for soooo long makes life a bit lonely cuz....I want what other ppl have...I admit there r times when I do want a relationship but at the same time...I don’t think I’m ready....

    InsomniacEnigma August 1, 2018 8:26 am

    I'm sorry for my long messages, I can't summarize well... but hey! If you feel really down, just watch some comedy or anything that will make you smile. Empty your thoughts and later on you may just feel slightly better (worked for me)