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Nah this ain't it

Tinker August 5, 2018 2:46 pm

I really liked Kai and Luard as a couple because there never seemed to be too big of a power inbalance between them and they seemed to really respect each other but this most recent update really put me in a bad, uncomfortable mood. They really had to go for the yaoi rape trope after all these chapters? And yes I say rape because it sure as hell wasn't consensual all the way through. ''You were a bad boy so now I'm gonna have to teach you a lesson!'' Like, really? Ugh. It's a shame cause I really liked this story so far.

    Mikasa August 5, 2018 5:33 pm

    it felt more like a role-play by the quote you just put in

    raindragon September 8, 2018 9:55 pm

    rape has nothing to do with this story except when you make it that way in your head. Try to enjoy it instead of finding ways to bring your and your generation's morality into it. This is for your pleasure.

    Many more than just your generation are here enjoying these stories, and also remember that virtually all of the authors are not of your generation, either. The "now, my dear, I must teach you a lesson" idea sets a lot of hearts aflutter. It's a common occurrence in the romance novels you might not have read.

    Whether it offends you or not, most people aren't always looking for whether or not verbal consent was given. It's simply not on our minds. I sincerely apologize if that offends you. I'm just stating what's obvious to your elders. LOL

    To us rape is not iffy. It's a clearcut, violent, devastating crime committed by society's worst monsters, and it leaves permanent mental scars on its victims. It's got nothing to do with this lovely, romantic story.
    It's not my intent to talk down to you. I'm older than you, and I hope you can appreciate a viewpoint other than your own.

    ******@++++ September 9, 2018 12:07 am
    rape has nothing to do with this story except when you make it that way in your head. Try to enjoy it instead of finding ways to bring your and your generation's morality into it. This is for your pleasure.Ma... raindragon

    Penetration w/o consent is RAPE.

    In that particular scene, Roald does rape Kai. He knew utilizing his pheromones would put Kai at a disadvantage, powerless to his subjugation. He demonstrates the effect, and Kai is visibly shaken. Then, he proceeds to penetrate Kai. Being an alpha, Roald should've easily sensed Kai's distress, even before the penetration. Heck, his shaken expression, the repeated 'no, no..' (pg 18) and confusion should've been enough to stop his LOVER from proceeding to hurt him further.

    If anything, this incident sheds more light into their relationship and individual characters. And you trying to erase it, by claiming it has nothing to do with the story, is quite ignorant.

    Also, I don't give an eff about what a generation thinks. I mean, there existed a generation that thought lynching African Americans was justified, there existed another generation that thought women shouldn't have the right to vote, and there existed a generation where black/brown/yellow face was acceptable. We are living for the present and aiming for a future of acceptance, tolerance and understanding. I ain't catering to past ideologies, traditions, fads etc. That's not to say I don't appreciate the efforts and progress of our previous generations, but there do exist two sides to every coin, and I know when to choose my battles. Rape transcends time, and no where should it ever be 'sexy' or 'set hearts flutter'.

    I find it troubling that you claim most people don't look for whether or not verbal consent is given. CONSENT is paramount, it's presumptuous to think what works for you will work for others. Maybe, that's why we live in such disharmony. If what you're claiming is truly the case, that's definitely something we need to work on.

    However, I agree with you on one thing though, rape is 'a clear-cut, violent, devastating crime committed by society's worst monsters'. So it should never be romanticized. I mean, imagine trying to romanticize slavery, or even, the holocaust. For an example of an atrocity that's been romanticized, Christopher Columbus will do. I rest my case on that one.

    As for the story, it is lovely and romantic...or it started out that way. That ending left a bitter taste, but I do think their love is beautiful. And if the author continues the story, and addresses this situation, I think it would greatly enhance the story.

    raindragon September 9, 2018 7:26 am
    Penetration w/o consent is RAPE. In that particular scene, Roald does rape Kai. He knew utilizing his pheromones would put Kai at a disadvantage, powerless to his subjugation. He demonstrates the effect, and K... ******@++++

    By what means should a violent offender like Luard be punished? Maybe make him sit still while his victim, Kai, tickles him for a good long time!

    Tinker September 9, 2018 8:22 pm
    rape has nothing to do with this story except when you make it that way in your head. Try to enjoy it instead of finding ways to bring your and your generation's morality into it. This is for your pleasure.Ma... raindragon

    Oh I'm just curious, how did you find about my age?
    It doesn't say it on my profile page, or at least I don't think it does.
    Other than that the other person who replied to you summed my thoughts pretty well about this situation.

    raindragon October 13, 2018 3:06 am
    Oh I'm just curious, how did you find about my age?It doesn't say it on my profile page, or at least I don't think it does.Other than that the other person who replied to you summed my thoughts pretty well abou... Tinker

    by the way you talk. only a certain age group is fanatical about consent, and young people repeat the beliefs of the group so they can fit in. It's not something adults do.
    This issue does not "transcend time." I come from a time when women weren't even believed a lot of the time, when sexual assault was something to hide and something no one was going to hug you and sympathize with you about.

    I know because your age group even justifies violence in cases where the other person did nothing worse than give a character a kiss they weren't expecting it when the two people were out on a date. It's ridiculous.
    Your friend agrees with rape being a clearcut crime committed by the worst monsters of our society, about which leaves permanent scars, then still carries on that Ruard raped Kai. That's a big contradiction, and there's a big difference between what Ruard did and the real rape that I defined above.

    The way you talk is the way people talk who don't know much about sex in real life.

    Some people can't give verbal consent. You fail to realize this, which is another reason the fanaticism grates on me. You don't know enough about life to be so full of passionate intensity.

    raindragon October 13, 2018 4:46 am
    Penetration w/o consent is RAPE. In that particular scene, Roald does rape Kai. He knew utilizing his pheromones would put Kai at a disadvantage, powerless to his subjugation. He demonstrates the effect, and K... ******@++++

    Is sex all you think about?