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I don't know how to explain what I feel properly but here we go. I think I kind of underst...

cosmicdust August 5, 2018 8:40 pm

I don't know how to explain what I feel properly but here we go. I think I kind of understand how both of them feels. They want to talk properly but somehow, they can't. They want to get closer but somehow, their distance are only growing farther. The drama in here is necessary because we can see lots of people views, especially the deaf people. Because, you know... it's never been easy to talk properly to your loved ones about what's going on in your heavy minds. We unconsciously hiding ourself, afraid of what response we'll get if we told them about it. Even worse, being hated. And I think this is applies to Kouhei. This manga became a super frustated storyline because it's similar with what's happening on real life. It's terrifying to know that what I predicted on this manga might be become true. So uh... it's really hard because it's not really anyone faults. They all had their pasts and that's what made them right now. You can't blame anyone for it. Sorry for being unreasonable but yeah. I think I'll go back once this is completed and they all have happy ending. I don't want my heart to ache and get depressed over this right now.
