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i never understood why people hate the dentist

elijah August 8, 2018 7:26 am

Theyre generally nice people, too. But i havent gone to one in years so idk

    crow June 4, 2020 5:33 am

    i dont hate the dentists, i just dislike having so many cavities and having to get stabbed with such a large needle.
    i've never been blessed with good jeans. i have a friend that is like "oh haha i forget to brush my teeth sometimes and no i don't use Listerine!" and i wanted to deck her so hard in the face

    piffins July 19, 2020 10:41 pm
    i dont hate the dentists, i just dislike having so many cavities and having to get stabbed with such a large needle. i've never been blessed with good jeans. i have a friend that is like "oh haha i forget to br... crow

    i know this feeling. one of my friends doesnt brush their teeth. at all. 0 cavity. me, with dental phobia, tries to brush teeth regularly but sometimes fails because i fall asleep on accident? 3 cavity. one of my aunts has bad teeth, so does my sibling, it's genetic. what i wouldnt do to have my friends teeth...
    (ps , i always shed at least a few tears at the dentist, its something i cant help after trauma as a child, and sometimes my body shakes so hard that the chair rattles.. im not looking forward to having the cavities filled.. its 2 days from now and i want to cry. this is why i "hate the dentist". the people working there are very nice and i love the hygienists and dentist, but still - when people say "i hate the dentist", they most undoubtedly mean "i hate going to the dentist" unless they hate the actual people there)

    crow July 20, 2020 12:11 am
    i dont hate the dentists, i just dislike having so many cavities and having to get stabbed with such a large needle. i've never been blessed with good jeans. i have a friend that is like "oh haha i forget to br... crow

    you know it's tough and 5:33 am when you say jeans instead of genes LMFAO

    piffins July 20, 2020 12:16 am
    you know it's tough and 5:33 am when you say jeans instead of genes LMFAO crow

    lol x'D i noticed that. it's ok tho, people will know what u meant