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Wow. Nemu seems exhausted :(( This couple is my favorite pair but now as this manga progre...

416 August 8, 2018 9:34 am

Wow. Nemu seems exhausted :(( This couple is my favorite pair but now as this manga progresses it just seems like Nemu’s insecurities just keep getting brushed off and pushed aside until they pile up. Like here... he wanted to talk like how’d Maya break up with his other partners but as usual, it gets tossed aside... Isn’t the problem not the “asking out of the blue,” but WHY he’s asking that? Why is Maya so oblivious? :(((( I’m sad for Nemu :( honestly, if sensei doesn’t flip the table and have Maya be tormented with a rival or some shit, I’m gonna keep being disappointed... Nemu doesn’t deserve this
