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The ending was a bit rushed. I already can guess much at what happened to Tetsuo from the ...

cosmicdust August 11, 2018 10:57 am

The ending was a bit rushed. I already can guess much at what happened to Tetsuo from the beginning but I really didn't expected for him to be dead because of misunderstanding happened that day. And... wouldn't it be so odd for the older bro to accepted the truth easily? Shouldn't he feel overwhelmed when he found out the truth?
I kinda expected some angst like the older bro blamed himself or something like that.

    kasahara August 15, 2018 5:24 am

    i wouldn't know how to deal with the older brother blaming himself but i think it would make more sense... or maybe he didn't need to blame himself but at least take some time to heal, see a therapist and stuff. it's not life love cure mental illness, so. idk the plot is interesting and promising but i guess the author rushed the thing a lil too much

    Spazcat November 4, 2018 7:28 am

    I agree the pacing is a bit rushed, but I also didn't feel that he was just suddenly better. Tetsuo died over a year ago in the story, and his brother has been slowly processing this reality in his subconscious. The brother's mind had finally reached the point where he could acknowledge reality consciously. He is still having nightmares, so he isn't really "cured". I think the most that can be said is that he's moved to another stage of the grieving process.