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Loved It

Mel August 13, 2018 12:23 am

The only thing that irked me a little near the end was the decision Donut made with her friend (not going too into detail to avoid spoilers, but it has to do with Ice).

Though I understand the reason why that happened, I would've liked to see Mew's view on that particular matter, as well. It would've been interesting to see how this would've been handled.

Aside from that, this story was an absolute masterpiece with equally beautiful artwork! There's no unnecessary drama and it deals with realistic issues in the most mature way possible — I can't recommend it enough.

    boi April 15, 2019 7:44 pm

    While it does bother me too, I don't like Donut any less because of it. She does seem to feel bad about what she did and if Mew did find out I'm sure she'd do anything to make up for it.

    I do hope that if their story continues that it does come up because I don't they should keep secrets like that from each other.