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i just want fujoshi to stay away from this story. The statement "if Ash really want to see...

Kim August 14, 2018 12:01 am

i just want fujoshi to stay away from this story. The statement "if Ash really want to see & love Eiji so much, he would sex with him" really makes me mad. Please stop fetishizing gay relationships and makes everything can be solved by having sex. The mindset of love=sex needs to change. Just bcs some people doesn't hv sex with their significant other, doesn't mean they love them any less. This story is beautiful in its on way and i personally couldn't ask for a better ending.

Responses August 14, 2018 5:30 pm

    I really appreciate your comment because Banana Fish is something that is beyond the quick frills and thrills of the more physically sexually plotted BL stories. It's just so much more than that, these characters a multi-faceted with so much emotion. It's incredibly realistic and really depicts how cruel reality can be but also how the people in our lives really inspire and influence us for better or worse. It's really sad how people are so indoctrinated to over sexualize everything... August 14, 2018 5:30 pm

    are multi-faceted*

    yaoianimes August 17, 2018 2:32 am

    stop generalizing a whole group lmfao. I’m a fujoshi, but I’m here respecting the story for its powerful plot and message especially in regards to how different cultures are in japan versus America. Thas some bs generalizing there. Just say what you wanna say without being petty.

    Nxyeria August 17, 2018 1:50 pm

    It is immature to think all fujoshi are like that, and just so you are aware a some of the reason why banana fish is being shared and talked about is thanks to the bl community and their consumers. I am a fujoshi and the last thing on my mind while reading this beautiful story was Ash and Eiji should fuck.

    Pokemonique August 18, 2018 7:10 am

    People are saying to not generalize the term "fujoshi," but doesn't it translate to "rotten girl" anyhow? I wish there was a less sour term for people who like gay relationships regardless of sexual content. BL Fan/BL Lover is a mouthful compared to a simple "fujo," so I wish there was a better term for it.

    shortie~ August 18, 2018 6:39 pm

    Im a fujoshi. Why do i have to stay out of it? And why are you assuming that i want them to have sex? Why do you think that i have a mindset of sex=love? Anyways.... im a fujoshi, so you want me to stay out of this manga right? Hey, could you let me pass dude?? I really love this manga. I've been rereading it since forever. And i want to reread it again. Trully one of the best mangas i've ever read until now. Do i have your permission?? Oh, and i want to watch the anime. Do i have to also stay away from the anime??

    yaoianimes August 19, 2018 5:02 am
    People are saying to not generalize the term "fujoshi," but doesn't it translate to "rotten girl" anyhow? I wish there was a less sour term for people who like gay relationships regardless of sexual content. BL... Pokemonique



    stop generalizing

    Anonymous August 19, 2018 8:53 pm

    I agree. I was looking for Banana Fish reviews and discussions on YouTube, but sadly the search results were flooded with videos taking the prison kiss out of context. The problem with this is that it attracts people who might get disappointed about the platonic nature of the relationship and it repels people who would enjoy the story.

    wooosh August 19, 2018 9:08 pm
    I agree. I was looking for Banana Fish reviews and discussions on YouTube, but sadly the search results were flooded with videos taking the prison kiss out of context. The problem with this is that it attracts ... @Anonymous

    Agreed with your agreement.

    My take on this August 20, 2018 10:58 pm

    Not all are like this but most younger fujoshi. Not everything and Not every relationship has to have to followed the norm of the society labels and followed the gender sterotype, it doesnt even need to have a name. Stop objectlying something . Pls people be more open minded

    My take on this August 20, 2018 11:02 pm
    Not all are like this but most younger fujoshi. Not everything and Not every relationship has to have to followed the norm of the society labels and followed the gender sterotype, it doesnt even need to have a ... @My take on this

    See the beautiful side of things without labels and all these generalizing sterotype

    ScooterVroom August 28, 2018 3:46 pm
    See the beautiful side of things without labels and all these generalizing sterotype @My take on this

    I believe that the ending is a happy ending for Ash.

    ScooterVroom August 28, 2018 3:47 pm
    I believe that the ending is a happy ending for Ash. ScooterVroom

    oops didnt mean to send my post here and i don’t know how to delete it so rip